VDI manual Heat Technology
Auf einen Blick
- Englischer Titel
VDI-Handbuch Wärme-/Heiztechnik
- Herausgeber
- Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
- Erhältlich in
- Deutsch, Englisch
Enthaltene Richtlinien
VDI 1000
VDI Standardisation Work - Principles and procedures
VDI 2035
Prevention of damage by means of corrosion and scale formation in warm-water-heating-systems
VDI 2035 Blatt 1
Prevention of damage in water heating installations - Scale formation and waterside corrosion
VDI 2035 Blatt 3
Prevention of damage in water heating installations - Corrosion by fuel gases
VDI 2036
Building installations for district heating
VDI 2050 Blatt 1
Requirements for technical equipment rooms - Technical bases for planning and execution
VDI 2050 Blatt 1.1
Requirements for technical equipment rooms - Space for service shafts
VDI 2050 Blatt 3
Requirements for technical equipment rooms - Heating systems
VDI 2067 Blatt 1
Economic efficiency of building installations - Fundamentals and economic calculation
VDI 2067 Blatt 1 Beiblatt
Economy calculation of heat consuming installations; operating and economical fundamentals; economy calculation systems
VDI 2067 Blatt 2
Economy calculation of heat consuming installations; heating installations
VDI 2067 Blatt 4
Economy calculation of heat-consuming; installations warm water supply
VDI 2067 Blatt 5
Economy calculation of heat consuming installations; amount of steam in laundries, large kitchens and hospitals
VDI 2067 Blatt 6
Economy calculation of heat consuming installations; heat pumps
VDI 2067 Blatt 7
Economy calculation of heat consuming installations; Block heating and power station
VDI 2067 Blatt 10
Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy demand for heating, cooling, humidification and dehuminification
VDI 2067 Blatt 11
Economic efficiency of building installations - Calculation of energy requirements for heated and air-conditioned buildings
VDI 2067 Blatt 20
Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort of benefit transfer for water heating systems
VDI 2067 Blatt 22
Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort of benefit transfer for heating drinking water
VDI 2067 Blatt 30
Economic efficiency of building installations - Energy effort for distribution
VDI 2067 Blatt 40
Economic efficiency of building services installations - Energy effort for generation
VDI 2068
Hints for automation and control equipment in heating and refrigeration systems
VDI 2068
Measuring, supervision and control equipment in warm water heating installations
VDI-EE 2068
Measurement and calculation method for determining the angle-dependent solar radiation transmission of building enclosures with extended patterns
VDI 2069
Preventing freezing of water-carrying pipes
VDI 2072
Heat transfer station with water/water heat exchangers for continuous-flow water heating/space heat supply
VDI 2073 Blatt 1
Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic circuits
VDI 2073 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic circuits - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 2073 Part 1:2014-05
VDI 2073 Blatt 2
Hydraulic systems in building services - Hydraulic balancing
VDI 2073 Blatt 3
Hydraulics in building services installations - Trainings
E 2024-11
VDI-MT 2073 Blatt 3
Hydraulics in building services installations - Trainings
VDI 2074
Recycling in the building services
VDI 2075
Ice sport facilities - Building Services
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.1
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Determination of reimbursable costs of heat generation by CHP systems
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.1 Berichtigung 1
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Determination of reimbursable costs of heat generation by CHP systems - Corrigendum concerning guideline VDI 2077 Part 3.1:2012-11
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.2
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Heat and hot-water supply installations - Cost allocation in connected installations
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.3
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Heat and hot-water supply installations - Cost allocation for solar systems
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.3 Berichtigung
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Heat and hot-water supply installations - Cost allocation for solar systems - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 2077 Part 3.3:2016-08
E 2024-10
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.4
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Heat and hot-water supply installations - Cost allocation for heat pumps and installations with several energy sources
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.5
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Method for the consideration of heat loss through pipes
VDI 2077 Blatt 3.5 Berichtigung
Energy consumption accounting for the building services - Method for the consideration of heat loss through pipes - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 2077 Part 3.5:2018-05
VDI 2089 Blatt 1
Building services in swimming baths - Indoor pools
VDI 2089 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Building services in swimming baths - Indoor pools - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 2089 Part 1:2023-09
VDI 2089 Blatt 2
Building services in swimming baths - Efficient use of energy and water
VDI 2089 Blatt 3
Building installations in swimming baths - Open-air pools
VDI 2164
PCM energy storage systems in building services
VDI 2169
Functional checking and yield rating of solar thermal systems
VDI 2715
Noise control in heating systems
VDI 3464 Blatt 1
Emission control - Storage and handling of wood pellets at the point of end use - Requirements under environment, health, and safety aspects
VDI 3464 Blatt 2
Emission control - Storage and handling of wood chips for energy use in the private and commercial sector - Requirements under environmental, health, and safety aspects
VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 1
Temperature measurement for building automation - Basic principles
VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 2
Temperature measurement for building automation - Temperature sensors, temperature sensing elements and their measurement parameters
VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 3
Temperature measurements for building automation - Installation of temperature sensors
VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 4
Temperature measurement for building automation - Testing of temperature sensors
E 2025-01
VDI 3670 Blatt 2
Waste gas cleaning - Downstream dust control devices for small-sized solid fuel combustion systems - Boilers
VDI 3781 Blatt 4
Environmental meteorology - Discharge conditions for exhaust gases - Small and medium combustion systems and other installations
VDI 3786 Blatt 5
Environmental meteorology - Meteorological measurements - Radiation
VDI 3805 Blatt 1
Product data exchange in the building services - Fundamentals
VDI 3805 Blatt 24
Product data exchange in the building services - Actuators used in building services
VDI 3805 Blatt 26
Product data exchange in the building services - Combined heat and power generation
VDI 3805 Blatt 28
Product data exchange in the building services - Electric and gas-fired radiant heaters
VDI 3805 Blatt 29
Product data exchange in the building services - Pipes, ducts, and fittings
VDI 3805 Blatt 33
Product data exchange in the building services - Controls and accessories
VDI 3805 Blatt 43
Product data exchange in the building services - Pressure maintaining devices
E 2023-06
VDI 3805 Blatt 44
Product data exchange in the building services - Heat transfer stations
VDI 3805 Blatt 99
Product data exchange in the Building Services - General components
VDI 3805 Blatt 100
Product data exchange in the building services - Systems
VDI 3807 Blatt 1
Characteristic consumption values for buildings - Fundamentals
VDI 3807 Blatt 2
Characteristic consumption values for buildings - Characteristic heating-energy, electrical-energy and water consumption values
VDI 3807 Blatt 5
Characteristic consumption values for buildings - Partial characteristics for thermal energy
VDI 3808
Assessment of energy efficiency of buildings and building services - Application of existing techniques
VDI 3809
Check of warm-water-heating systems
VDI 3809 Blatt 1
Acceptance of building installations - Heating
VDI-MT 3810 Blatt 1
Operation and maintenance of buildings and building installations - Fundamentals
VDI-MT 3810 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Operation and maintenance of buildings and building installations - Fundamentals - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI-MT 3810 Part 1:2023-03
VDI 3810 Blatt 3
Operation and maintenance of buildings and building installations - Heating systems
VDI 3811
Distribution of energy consumption for heating and warm water supply by combined central heating installations
VDI 3811
Refurbishment of heating installations
VDI 3812 Blatt 1
Home automation technologies - Requirements for electrical installations and building automation and control systems
VDI 3813 Blatt 1
Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Fundamentals for room control
VDI 3814 Blatt 1
Building automation; structures, definitions, functions
VDI 3814 Blatt 2
Building automation (BA) - Interfaces in planning and installation
VDI 3817
Building services in listed and historical buildings
VDI 3817 Blatt 1
Technical building services in memorial buildings - Fundamentals
E 2021-08
VDI/WTA 3817 Blatt 3
Monuments and listed buildings - Technical building equipment
VDI/WTA 3817 Blatt 3
Listed and historical buildings - Technical building equipment
VDI 3819 Blatt 1
Fire protection for buildings - Fundamentals for building services - Terminology, acts, ordinances, technical rules
VDI 3819 Blatt 2
Fire protection building services - Functions and correlations
VDI 3819 Blatt 3
Fire protection in building services - Fire protection planning and briefing - Obligations, contents and documentation
VDI 3822
Failure analysis - Fundamentals and performance of failure analysis
VDI 3822 Blatt 1
Failure analysis - Fundamentals, terms, defintions - Procedure of failure analyses
E 2025-01
VDI 3822 Blatt 1.2
Failure analysis - Failures of metallic products caused by corrosion in aqueous media
VDI 3822 Blatt 1.2
Failure analysis - Failures of metallic products caused by corrosion in aqueous media
VDI/BTGA/GIH 3922 Blatt 1
Energy consultancy - Energy consultancy process and methods
VDI/BTGA-MT 3922 Blatt 2
Energy consultancy - Competence assessment of energy consultants
VDI 3985
Principles for the design, construction, and acceptance of combined heat and power plants with internal combustion engines
VDI 3988
Solar thermal process heat
VDI 4600
Cumulative energy demand (KEA) - Terms, definitions, methods of calculation
VDI 4600 Blatt 1
Cumulative energy demand - Examples
VDI 4608 Blatt 1
Energy systems - Combined heat and power - Fundamentals and examples
VDI 4608 Blatt 2
Energy systems - Combined heat and power - Allocation and evaluation
E 2024-06
VDI 4608 Blatt 2
Energy systems - Combined heat and power - Allocation and evaluation
VDI 4610 Blatt 1
Energy efficiency of industrial installations - Thermal insulation
VDI 4610 Blatt 2
Energy efficiency of operational installations - Thermal bridges catalogue
E 2021-12
VDI 4640 Blatt 1
Thermal use of the underground - Fundamentals, approvals, environmental aspects
VDI 4640 Blatt 2
Thermal use of the underground - Ground source heat pump systems
VDI 4640 Blatt 2 Berichtigung
Thermal use of the underground - Ground source heat pump systems, Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 4640 Part 2:2019-06
VDI 4645
Heating systems with heat pumps in single and multi-family houses - Planning, construction, operation
VDI 4645 Berichtigung
Heating systems with heat pumps in single and multi-family houses - Planning, construction, operation
VDI-MT 4645 Blatt 1
Heating systems with heat pumps in single- and multi-family houses - Planning, construction, operation - Trainings, examinations, certifications of qualification
E 2024-04
VDI-MT 4645 Blatt 2
Heating systems with heat pumps in single- and multi-family houses - Planning, construction, operation - Training, examinations, certifications of qualification - Integration into university courses and curricula of in-service educational institutions
E 2024-01
VDI 4646
Application of high-power heat pumps
VDI 4650 Blatt 1
Calculation of the seasonal coefficient of performance of heat pumps - Electric heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water
VDI 4650 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Calculation of the seasonal coefficient of performance of heat pumps - Electric heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 4650 Part 1:2024-02
VDI 4650 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Calculation of the seasonal coefficient of performance of heat pumps - Electric heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI 4650 Part 1:2016-12
VDI 4650 Blatt 2
Simplified method for the calculation of the annual heating energy ratio and the annual gas utilisation efficiency of sorption heat pumps - Gas heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water
VDI 4650 Blatt 3
Calculation of the seasonal coefficient of performance of heat pump systems - Fundamentals, terms, and definitions of multifunctional ventilation units with heat pumps
VDI 4655
Reference load profiles of residential buildings for power, heat and domestic hot water as well as reference generation profiles for photovoltaic plants
VDI 4656
Design and dimensioning of micro combined heat and power plants
E 2025-01
VDI 4657 Blatt 2
Planning and integration of energy storage systems in building energy systems - Thermal energy storage (TES)
VDI 4657 Blatt 3
Planning and integration of energy storage systems in energy building systems - Electrical storage
VDI 4682 Blatt 1
Principles for servicing work on heat and power producers - Fundamentals and notes for the drafting of service contracts from the technical perspective
VDI 4682 Blatt 2
Principles for servicing work at heat and power producers - Micro-combined heat and power systems
VDI 4682 Blatt 3
Principles for servicing work on heat and power producers - Gas and oil condensing boilers
VDI 4700
Terminology of building services with advices for drafting and presentation of terms and definitions
VDI 4700 Blatt 1
Terminology of civil engineering and building services
VDI 4700 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Terminology of civil engineering and building services - Corrigendum concerning guideline VDI 4700 Part 1:2015-10
E 2018-08
VDI 4700 Blatt 1.1
Terminology of civil engineering and building Services - Addition 1
E 2018-07
VDI 4700 Blatt 1.2
Terminology of civil engineering and building services - Addition 2
E 2019-03
VDI 4700 Blatt 1.3
Terminology of civil engineering and building Services - Addition 3
VDI 4700 Blatt 3
Terminology of civil engineering and building services - Symbols (building services)
VDI 4703
Facility Management - Life-cycle-cost-based tender
VDI 4704
Water heating installations - Water quality, pressure maintenance, deaeration - Trainings
VDI 4706 Blatt 1
Planning and dimensioning of the indoor climate (VDI ventilation code of practice)
VDI 4708 Blatt 1
Pressure maintenance, venting, deaeration - Pressure maintenance
VDI 4708 Blatt 2
Pressure maintenance, venting, deaeration - Venting and deaeration
VDI 4710 Blatt 1
Meteorological data for building-services purposes - Non-European climatic data
VDI 4710 Blatt 3
Meteorological data for the building services - t,x correlations from 1991 to 2005 for 15 climatic zones in Germany
VDI 4710 Blatt 4
Meteorological data for the building services - t,x correlations and wind statistics for 122 European cities
VDI 6002 Blatt 1
Solar heating for potable water - Basic principles - System technology and application in residential buildings
VDI 6002 Blatt 2
Solar heating for potable water - Application in students accomodations, senior citizens' residences, hospitals, swimming baths and camping sites
VDI 6004 Blatt 1
Protection of Building Services - Flood - Buildings, installations, equipment
VDI 6004 Blatt 2
Protection of building services - Lightning protection systems and surge protection
VDI 6004 Blatt 3
Protection for building services - Vandalism or destruction of property
VDI 6007 Blatt 1
Calculation of transient thermal response of rooms and buildings - Modelling of rooms
VDI 6007 Blatt 2
VDI 6007 Blatt 3
Calculation of transient thermal response of rooms and buildings - Modelling of solar radiation
VDI 6012 Blatt 1
Local energy systems in buildings - Fundamentales and energy storages
VDI 6012 Blatt 1.1
Integration of distributed and renewables based energy systems in buildings - Fundamentals - Project planning and execution
VDI 6012 Blatt 1.2
Integration of distributed and renewables-based energy systems in buildings - Fundamentals - System selection
VDI 6012 Blatt 1.4
Integration of distributed and renewables-based energy systems in buildings - Fundamentals - Fixing of solar modules and solar collectors on buildings
VDI 6012 Blatt 2.1
Integration of distributed and renewables-based energy systems in buildings - Thermic systems - Biomass firing systems
VDI 6012 Blatt 3
Local energy systems in buildings - Fuel cells
VDI 6014
Energy conservation by application of variable speed drives (VSD) in building services
VDI 6020
Requirements to be met by calculation methods for the simulation of thermal-energy efficiency of buildings and building installations
VDI 6021 Blatt 1
Data exchange for thermal load calculation of buildings
VDI 6025
Economy calculation systems for capital goods and plants
VDI 6026
Planning, construction, operation - Contents and format of planning, execution and review documents in the building services
VDI 6026 Blatt 1
Documentation in the building services (BS) - Contents and format of planning, execution, and review documents
VDI 6026 Blatt 1.1
Documentation in the building services - Contents and format of planning, execution and review documents - Requirements to be met by the documentation to satisfy the needs of the FM
VDI 6028 Blatt 1
Assessment criteria for building services - Fundamentals
VDI 6028 Blatt 1.1
Assessment criteria for Building Services - Technical quality for sustainable buildings
E 2022-02
VDI 6030 Blatt 1
Planning and dimensioning of space heating and cooling - Fundamentals
VDI 6030 Blatt 1
Designing free heating surfaces - Fundamentals - Designing of heating appliances
VDI 6036
Fasteners of radiators - Requirements for planning and design
VDI 6039
Facility management - Managing of building commissioning - Methods and procedures for building-services installations
VDI 6041
Facility management - Technical monitoring of buildings and building services
Prevention of damage in cold and cooling water circuits
VDI 6050
Assessing the sustainability of the built environment - Training of professionals
VDI 6070 Blatt 1
Room book - General requirements and fundamentals
VDI 6600 Blatt 1
Project engineer - Knowledge profile
VDI 6600 Blatt 2
Project engineer - Requirements for qualification
VDI-MT 6602 Blatt 1
Project engineer in projects with external team members - Knowledge profile
VDI-MT 6602 Blatt 2
Project engineer in projects with external team members - Requirements for qualification
- E Entwurf
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