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VDI 4650 Blatt 1

Calculation of the seasonal coefficient of performance of heat pumps - Electric heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water

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Englischer Titel

Berechnung der Jahresarbeitszahl von Wärmepumpenanlagen - Elektrowärmepumpen zur Raumheizung und Trinkwassererwärmung

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The standard deals with electric heat pumps, especially for the supply of residential buildings with heat for space heating and domestic hot water. In order to properly reflect the technical progress (e. g. other refrigerants, other compressor technologies, power control) for the calculation of the seasonal performance factor, important knowledge based on the results of the field monitoring projects of Fraunhofer ISE has been transferred from practise into the calculations. The standard also covers topics such as high-efficiency pumps, power-controlled heat pumps, water heating (modified calculation method), solar backup, cooling, primary energy evaluation and adjustments due to changes in European standards.

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