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VDI-MT 4645 Blatt 1

Heating systems with heat pumps in single- and multi-family houses - Planning, construction, operation - Trainings, examinations, certifications of qualification

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Englischer Titel

Heizungsanlagen mit Wärmepumpen in Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäusern - Planung, Errichtung, Betrieb - Schulungen, Prüfungen, Qualifizierungsnachweise

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This standard provides a training concept for the training of professionals involved in the planning, construction and operation of hot-water heating systems in single and multi-family houses which are to be operated or are operating with heat pumps. The aim of the described training is to avoid malfunctions, breakdown or damage. Target groups of the training courses are, for example: planners, system manufacturers, skilled tradesmen, operators and product developers in the manufacturing industry. Basis of the training concept are the series of standards VDI 4640, VDI 4645, and VDI 4650.

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