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VDI 6030 Blatt 1 - Entwurf

Planning and dimensioning of space heating and cooling - Fundamentals

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Englischer Titel

Planung und Bemessung von Raumheiz- und -kühlflächen - Grundlagen

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
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Compared to the first version of VDI 6030 in the 2002 edition, the new issue of the standard applies to the planning and dimensioning of all transfer systems for heating and cooling rooms (residential and non-residential buildings). It applies to both free and integrated space heating and cooling surfaces and to transfer systems with integrated heat/cooling generation (e.g. directly electrically operated), with the exception of individual fireplaces. The transfer systems can be operated alone or also complementary to a room ventilation system. As a result, the user of the standard is given the opportunity to choose from various transfer systems, whereby differences in the compensation of occurring radiation deficits are worked out and information is given on the arrangement of compensation surfaces in relation to interfering surfaces. By defining clear functional requirements according to type and scope, the basis for a comparison of planning variants is provided, which facilitates the selection of the concept for minimising the energy expenditure of the transfer systems. The standard is addressed to all those involved in the planning of buildings, i.e. planners, system manufacturers, architects and clients.

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