Auf einen Blick
- Englischer Titel
VDI-Handbuch Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen Band 2 - Kauf Regelwerk Online
- Erscheinungsdatum
- 2022-08
- Herausgeber
- Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
- Seitenanzahl
- 2125
- Erhältlich in
- Deutsch
Enthaltene Richtlinien
VDI 1000
VDI Standardisation Work - Principles and procedures
E 2019-08
VDI 2055 Blatt 1
Thermal insulation of heated and refrigerated operational installations - Calculation rules
VDI 2055 Blatt 1
Thermal insulation of heated and refrigerated operational installations in the industry and the building services - Calculation rules
VDI 2055 Blatt 2
Thermal insulation of heated and refrigerated operational installations in the industry and in the building services - Technical basics for the verification of properties of insulating materials
VDI 2055 Blatt 3
Thermal insulation of heated and refrigerated operational installations in the industry and the building services - Technical basics for the verification of thermotechnical properties of insulation systems, determination of total heat losses
VDI 2055 Blatt 3 Berichtigung
Thermal insulation of heated and refrigerated operational installations in the industry and the building services - Technical basics for the verification of thermotechnical properties of insulation systems, determination of total heat losses - Corrigendum concerning guideline VDI 2055 Part 3:2011-10
VDI/VDE 2173
Fluidic characteristic quantities of control valves and their determination
VDI/VDE 2191
Advanced process control (APC) - Realisation of APC projects
E 2022-01
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 1
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - General concept and interfaces
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 3
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - Library for data objects
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 4
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - Modelling of module services
E 2022-04
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 5
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process Industry - Runtime and communication aspects
E 2022-10
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 5.1
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - Runtime and communication aspects with OPC UA
E 2021-01
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 6
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - Concept of modular alarm management
E 2021-02
VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 7
Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - Modelling of alarms and events
VDI 2770 Blatt 1
Operation of process engineering plants - Minimum requirements for digital manufacturer information for the process industry - Fundamentals
VDI 2775 Blatt 1
Process engineering - Turnaround management - Fundamentals
VDI 2776 Blatt 1
Process engineering plants - Modular plants - Fundamentals and planning modular plants
VDI 2776 Blatt 2
Process engineering plants - Modular plants - Designing modular plants
VDI 2776 Blatt 3
Process engineering plants - Modular plants - Safety of modular plants
VDI/VDE 2862 Blatt 2
Minimum requirements for application of fastening systems and tools - Applications in plant construction, mechanical engineering, equipment manufacturing and for flange connections in components under pressure boundary
VDI/VDE 3682 Blatt 1
Formalised process descriptions - Concept and graphic representation
VDI/VDE 3682 Blatt 2
Formalised process descriptions - Information model
VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 1
Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimisation of the engineering - Fundamentals and procedure
VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 2
Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimization of the engineering - Subject "processes"
VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 3
Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimisation of the engineering - Subject "methods"
VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 4
Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimisation of the engineering - Subject "tools"
VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 5
Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimisation of the engineering - Subject "organisational structure"
VDI/VDE 3697 Blatt 1
Recommendation for the technical implementation of data exchange between engineering systems for PCE and PCS - Data exchange between PCS objects in accordance with NE 150 using AutomationML
VDI/VDE 3697 Blatt 2
Recommendation for the technical implementation of data exchange between engineering systems - Data exchange between CAE systems of the process design and PCE hardware planning according to NE 159 with AutomationML
VDI-MT 3810 Blatt 1
Operation and maintenance of buildings and building installations - Fundamentals
VDI-MT 3810 Blatt 1 Berichtigung
Operation and maintenance of buildings and building installations - Fundamentals - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI-MT 3810 Part 1:2023-03
E 2016-08
VDI 3975 Blatt 3
Storages of hazardous substances - Operation of warehouses
VDI 4431
Life-cycle management in the manufacturing industry
VDI 4635 Blatt 3.3
Power-to-X - Methanation - System parameters and measurands
VDI 5207 Blatt 1
Energy-flexible factory - Fundamentals
E 2021-01
VDI 5207 Blatt 2
Energy-flexible factory - Identification and technical evaluation
E 2023-09
VDI 5207 Blatt 3
Energy-flexible factory - IT infrastructure for the operation of energy-flexible factories
VDI 6305
Technical good manufacturing practice - Application guideline for projects in the GMP environment
VDI-EE 6306
3rd-Party GMP Audits - Supplier audits in the pharmaceutical industry
VDI 6310 Blatt 1
Classification and quality criteria of biorefineries
VDI 6320
Data management for life sciences
VDI 6600 Blatt 1
Project engineer - Knowledge profile
VDI 6600 Blatt 2
Project engineer - Requirements for qualification
VDI-MT 6602 Blatt 1
Project engineer in projects with external team members - Knowledge profile
VDI-MT 6602 Blatt 2
Project engineer in projects with external team members - Requirements for qualification
VDI 6603
Digital transformation of companies
VDI 7000
Early public participation in industrial and infrastructure projects
E 2025-03
VDI-MT 7000
Early public participation in industrial and infrastructure projects
VDI-MT 7001
Communication and public participation in construction and infrastructure projects - Standards for work stages of engineers
VDI-MT 7001 Berichtigung
Communication and public participation in construction and infrastructure projects - Standards for work stages of engineers - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI-MT 7001:2021-06
VDI 7001 Blatt 1
Communication and public participation in planning and building of infrastructure projects - Training for work stages of engineers
- E Entwurf
- Ü Überprüft und bestätigt
- ZA Zurückziehung angekündigt
- Zurückgezogen
- P Projekt