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VDI 4635 Blatt 3.3

Power-to-X - Methanation - System parameters and measurands

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Englischer Titel

Power-to-X - Methanisierung - Systemparameter und Messgrößen

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The standard describes the basics for the planning of methanation plants in power-to-gas plants. The basis for this are the definitions of terms and system parameters as well as the differentiation of methanation plants from plants for hydrogen production and the provision of carbon oxides. Energy storage systems and the integration of cross-sectoral power-to-gas applications, such as methanation, which is dealt with in this standard, play an important role in achieving the climate goals: with the help of sector coupling through these technologies, the most diverse areas of the economy can be converted to green energy - even those that are considered difficult to transform. Material energy storage systems, and methane (CH4) in particular, offer the possibility of storing, transporting and distributing large amounts of energy over a wide range of time scales. The methanation process is the generation of methane gas by hydrogenating carbon oxides with hydrogen. In power-to-gas plants, the hydrogen is usually produced from electric current and water in a water electrolysis process. The carbon oxides are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, which can come from different sources. Methanation can be performed chemically or biologically. The standard is directed at research groups, plant manufacturers, operators, investors, energy companies, component and plant manufacturers, licensing authorities.

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