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VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Blatt 4

Automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry - Modelling of module services

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Englischer Titel

Automatisierungstechnisches Engineering modularer Anlagen in der Prozessindustrie - Modellierung von Moduldiensten

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This standard defines the interfaces and modelling rules of services for modular process equipment assemblies (PEAs) according to VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 Part 1. The following aspects are focused on: concept of the service interface of PEAs, concept of PEA-wide process value interconnections, status and service models of modular plants, structuring of the service interface of the MTP, interfaces of the behavioural contract between services of the PEA and the process orchestration layer (POL), definition and description of the service interface model, definition and description of service parameters, definition and description of procedures and the modelling rules for creating the service interface. Target groups for this standard are PEA manufacturers, tool vendors and PEA integrators.

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