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VDI Manual Project and Process Management

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Englischer Titel

VDI-Handbuch Projekt- und Prozessmanagement

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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This manual is a summary of all VDI Standards from the GPP specialist area “Project and Process Management”. For the vast majority of companies, project work is an interdisciplinary cross-sectional topic, so the standards in this manual are very multifaceted. In addition to the classic disciplines of project management, topics such as the digital transformation of companies are also represented. Many project members will appreciate the benefits of a complete and always up-to-date reference work with all relevant technical rules from the VDI.

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Enthaltene Richtlinien

  • E Entwurf
  • Ü Überprüft und bestätigt
  • ZA Zurückziehung angekündigt
  • Zurückgezogen
  • P Projekt