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MGA - The VDI Student Competition

Interdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation as well as the associated competences are the key to innovative and sustainable added value. "Mobility/Medical goes Additive - The VDI Student Competition" promotes this type of competence and experience of young students to a great extent.

Marc Fette, CEO of CTC GmbH (An AIRBUS company)
Stefanie Brickwede, Managing Director of Mobility goes Additive e.V.

Mobility/Medical goes Additive – The VDI Student Competition

Promoting creative minds

"Mobility/Medical goes Additive - The VDI Student Competition" is an international and interdisciplinary competition on 3D printing for students on all aspects of additive manufacturing and digitization. The competition is carried out by the Association of German Engineers (VDI e.V.) in cooperation with the international network Mobility goes Additive e.V.

Mobility/Medical goes Additive – The VDI Student Competition” will take place on 11-13 April 2025 in Stade, near Hamburg.
The Competition is fully booked. For further information please send us an e-mail to fvt@vdi.de.


The objective of the competition is to sensitize students to the theory and practice of solving complex problems in interdisciplinary teams. In this context, the interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial potentials of additive manufacturing in connection with the opportunities and challenges of digitization in the field of mobility and medical technology shall be focused. Hence, it is planned to organize the three-day competition on a regular basis, at different locations within Germany, bringing together student teams from different universities to compete against each other.

By means of a use case from the field of mobility and medical technology, which will be presented to the students with different scientific backgrounds on the first day of the competition, teams will compete with each other using additive manufacturing techniques and currently available digital possibilities. Each team will be judged by taking into account technical, economic and communicative evaluation criteria. Not only the realized result in the form of a new or optimized product plays a role, but also its implementation in the team during the first two competition days and its presentation in front of a jury of experts on the last day. This presentation refers to the product and a business model adapted to the use case. The best three teams will be awarded with valuable prices.


The challenge is to solve a complex task within two days without preparation in interdisciplinary, gender-spanning teams. Evaluation criteria include various technical, economic and communicative aspects of the actual production of a product and its professional performance in front of a top-level panel in English. Thus, during the competition, not only the technical and economic expertise of the team members but also the teamwork and the application of communication skills, project management and problem-solving strategies are crucial.

Teamwork and networking

The purpose of the competition is to improve students' awareness of the opportunities and challenges of additive manufacturing in the context of digital transformation. On the one hand, young talents should be supported by the solution-oriented application of professional and social skills in interdisciplinary, gender-spanning teams and under industry-related conditions. On the other hand, the competition is intended to promote the exchange between the students and networking with representatives of business enterprises from different sectors with two joint evening events.

In cooperation with

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Interested in sponsoring this competition?

We need your support as a sponsor of the competition. Several levels of sponsorship are available, granting your company access to the competition and, depending on the level you choose, a stand with your recruiting personnel on site, a seat in the jury, your logo on the website and much more. 

Please find more information in this flyer or contact us.

Past Competitions

Overall results



UniversityTotal points
1.Pro Play AnalyticsUniversität Innsbruck, Germany4,33
2.GC3D-STLBerufsakademie Sachsen Staatliche Studienakademie Glauchau, Germany3,92
3.4 Paws 4 ComfortUniversität Innsbruck, Germany3,89
4.C1 Engineering, FrankfurUniversity of Applied sciences, Germany3,88
5.HAWKS RacingHAW Hamburg, Germany3,86
6.DUAL Light TeamDuale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Ravensburg, Germany3,75
7.CTCHAW Hamburg, Germany3,71
8.Eleven-O-Six RacingHelmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Germany3,65
9.The Accidental EngineersSRH Berlin University of Applied Science, Germany3,61
10.DHBW LörrachDHBW Lörrach, Germany3,44
11.Team AlphaSRH Berlin University of Applied Science, Germany3,17
12.DHBW AllstarsDHBW Lörrach, Germany3,10
13.TUC-tacsTU Chemnitz, Germany2,35

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Overall result

RankingTeamUniversityTotal points


Hochschule Hannover, Germany683


HAW Hamburg, Germany671

MTPY Engineering

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach, Germany610

VDI Young Engineers II

Team aus mehreren Universitäten, Germany599


Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Lörrach, Germany585

Öcher Printen

FH Aachen, Germany556

The Accidental Engineers

SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany529

Visonary Concepts

Frankfurt Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany510

VDI Young Engineers I

Team aus mehreren Universitäten, Germany445

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Overall results

RaningTeamUniversityTotal points



TU Berlin, Germany




HAW Hamburg, Germany




Berliner Hochschule für Technik, Germany




KIT, Germany



Team Alpha

SRH Berlin University of Applied Science, Germany



Accidental Engineers

SRH Berlin University of Applied Science, Germany



Overall result

RankingTeamUniversityTotal points
1.Team DarmstadtDarmstadt University of Technology, Germany893
2.Vienna CallingFH Technikum Wien University of Applied Sciences, Austria862
3.NBNAugsburg University, Germany847
4.ADDictiveBerlin University of Technology, Germany840
5.SchwarzwaldschlawinerFurtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany834
6.The Fabulous FiveHamburg University of Technology, Germany826
7.CTCBremen University, Germany813
8.Additive Innovation HHHelmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany756
9.AO - Additive OstfaliaOstfalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany749



Mobility goes Additive: Wie drucke ich den perfekten Sitz?

Mobility goes Additive - The VDI Student Competition 2020

Dipl.-Ing. Simon Jäckel
Your contact person

Dipl.-Ing. Simon Jäckel
