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VDI/VDE 5595 Blatt 1

Photometric and colorimetric quality criteria - Method to assess uniformity

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Englischer Titel

Lichttechnische und farbmetrische Gütekriterien - Methode zur Homogenitätsbewertung

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This standard covers the inhomogeneity (both colour and brightness) of light sources and lamps, including the specific illumination situation. It describes a method to quantify inhomogeneity. The method can be applied to a multitude of applications and measures (properties) where the continuity of perception plays a role. Examples are: self-luminous areas, illuminated areas, coloured light sources, luminance/radiance, illuminance/irradiance and luminous intensity/radiant intensity. The quantitative inhomogeneity evaluation of photometric and colourimetric properties of light sources, lamps and lighting situations is an important quality criterion. The metrological registration enables reproducible specifications to be defined. This simplifies the communication between designers, suppliers and users of lighting systems and illumination solutions.

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