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VDI/VDE 5585 Blatt 1

Technical temperature measurement - Temperature measurement with thermographic cameras - Metrological characterisation

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Technische Temperaturmessung - Temperaturmessung mit Thermografiekameras - Messtechnische Charakterisierung

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Thermographic cameras (infrared cameras) are increasingly used for spatially resolved, non-contact radiation temperature measurements. Tracing the temperature values indicated to the international temperature scale is gaining in importance for the comparability of measurements. Whereas there is an accepted regulation for the traceability of radiation thermometer calibration - namely VDI/VDE 3511 Part 4.4 - there was a lack of such a regulation for thermographic cameras. The precondition for calibrations with low uncertainties is to know and describe the essential metrological parameters. The use of the standard improves comparability and testability of the metrologically essential technical data of thermographic cameras. To this end, unambiguous procedures are laid down for the indication and the determination of the technical data. This standard applies in the field of metrology to the statement and testing of technical data in datasheets and instruction manuals for thermographic cameras that are used to measure the temperature of surfaces. The calibration procedures for thermographic cameras based on this standard are described in VDI/VDE 5585 Part 2.

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