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VDI/VDE 3711

Input and transfer of maintenance information for condition monitoring - Digitisation of offline information

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Englischer Titel

Eingabe und Übertragung von Instandhaltungsinformationen für das Condition Monitoring - Digitalisierung von Offline-Informationen

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

In condition monitoring, it is important that changes in the behaviour of the system can be traced back to the cause. Manual influences must be reported to the system as up-to-date as possible. For this purpose, an interface must be standardised. The advantage for the user is that the machine status becomes more transparent. It becomes clear that an intervention has taken place and what type it was. In this way it can be assessed whether the cause of a change in the behaviour of the machine has intrinsic or extrinsic reasons. At the same time, the interface standardisation provided by this standard enables the manufacturer-independent use of condition monitoring systems with the aim of predictive maintenance. The scope of application ranges from system manufacturers of condition monitoring software and data analysis tools to plant manufacturers and customers/users.

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