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VDI/VDE 3699 Blatt 4

Process control using display screens - Curves

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Englischer Titel

Prozessführung mit Bildschirmen - Kurven

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Curve representations are used for process control in normal (production) operations or to diagnose faults. This standard gives rules and recommendations for the presentation of curves on screen displays and for the control of curve representations. The application of these recommendations leads to presentations and control actions which are compatible with those for preformatted presentations, mimics and messages and which are conform with valid standards and are based on ergonomic findings. Consistent application of the recommendations leads to standardised man-machine interfaces at different workstations. This simplifies the configuration of curve presentations. Repeated advisement and input defaults aspire for a single design, making the correct interpretation of curve presentations more accurate and easier where operators are used for different systems (e.g. in different control centres). This standard is valid for process control with screens in chemical and petrochemical plants, in plants for steam generation, as well as in plants of iron processing, if no special regulations are provided, e.g. as for nuclear power plants.

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