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VDI/VDE 2193 Blatt 2

Language for I4.0 components - Interaction protocol for bidding procedures

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Englischer Titel

Sprache für I4.0-Komponenten - Interaktionsprotokoll für Ausschreibungsverfahren

Engl. VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The application of the standard helps to establish legally binding value chains across company borders between two or more Industrie 4.0(I4.0) Components, in which each participating I4.0 Component independently takes on a task agreed on in the tender procedure. Two interaction protocols are considered, which organise a cooperation of I4.0 Components in the form of automated tendering procedures. This standard explains the concept of semantically interoperable information exchange and shows how the messages and their processes for information exchange in the use cases of I4.0 should be structured. Therefore, it forms the basis for I4.0-compliant cooperation and collaboration. This standard addresses users and developers of software systems for automation technology and production technology who design, develop, implement, test and operate interactions between I4.0 Components.

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