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VDI/ÖFR/SWKI-MT 6022 Blatt 8.1 - Entwurf

Ventilation and indoor-air quality - Cleaning of ventilation and air-conditioning systems and air ducts - Qualification of personnel

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Englischer Titel

Raumlufttechnik, Raumluftqualität - Reinigung von RLT-Anlagen und Luftleitungen - Qualifizierung von Personal

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
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The standard closes the gap between the training categories in accordance with VDI-MT 6022 Part 2 and the specific requirements of ventilation cleaning. It defines the content and requirements for qualifications that are necessary for the application of VDI/ÖFR/SWKI 6022 Part 8. The aim of the training concept is to qualify all employees of a specialised company for ventilation cleaning in accordance with this guideline. It serves as further training and is primarily aimed at maintenance and cleaning companies, operators and facility management (FM). The standard covers the following aspects in detail: minimum requirements for the qualifications of training providers, instructors and participants; content and general conditions of training courses, instructions, demonstrations and practical training; examination requirements; issue of certificates of attendance or certificates with details of the competences acquired and their areas of application.

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