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VDI-MT 5900 Blatt 4 - Entwurf

Experts in automotive and road transport - Assisted, automated and connected driving

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Englischer Titel

Sachverständige für Kraftfahrwesen und Straßenverkehr - Assistiertes, automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Fahrzeug- und Verkehrstechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
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The number of vehicles (motor vehicles and trailers) registered in Germany is higher than ever before and has grown steadily in the past. Therefore, starting with the first appearance of motor vehicles, the state has created a system of legal regulations and other safety measures to ensure road safety. In this system, experts in automotive and road transport play an indispensable and safety-critical role, for example by carrying out technical vehicle inspections and driving licence tests. They also analyse and reconstruct traffic accidents and, last but not least, they assess and evaluate vehicles and vehicle damage. These examples show the great diversity and high social significance of the range of activities of experts in automotive and road transport.The standard sets out the competences and requirement levels that experts for assisted, automated and connected driving should have after completing their (authorisation) training. The standard is aimed at motor vehicle and road traffic experts who focus their work on the field of assisted, automated and connected driving.

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