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VDI-EE 4030

Consideration of human reliability in the design of autonomous systems

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Berücksichtigung menschlicher Zuverlässigkeit bei der Gestaltung autonomer Systeme

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
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The scope of the expert recommendation is the design and layout of autonomous systems from the perspective of human reliability. In many technical areas, autonomous systems are being developed to support or replace humans in their tasks. The expectation for these developments is that these activities can be carried out faster and more precisely, or even more safely. Typical examples are autonomous driving, which is expected to increase road safety, or human-robot collaboration in the assembly and manufacturing industry. Autonomous systems support humans in many ways, but can also have negative effects. From the perspective of human reliability, the question arises as to which conditions must be fulfilled so that the emerging human-machine system can act reliably. The expert recommendation describes the known and expected interactions between humans and machines, as well as important prerequisites for the reliable success of a collaboration between humans and machines. An important prerequisite for avoiding automation-related accidents is that human reliability is correctly and comprehensively considered in the design of autonomous systems and that safety contributions from humans and technology are analysed and evaluated in such a way that a safer overall system can be created. In practice, however, it often turns out that the positive contribution of humans is underestimated and the positive contribution of the automaton is overestimated in the safety-related consideration. The expert recommendation is aimed at manufacturers of autonomous systems, employees of testing institutes, safety engineers and industrial designers as well as experts in occupational science.

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