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VDI 5600 Blatt 4

Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) - Support of production systems by MES

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Englischer Titel

Fertigungsmanagementsysteme (Manufacturing Execution Systems - MES) - Unterstützung von Produktionssystemen durch MES

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Companies which are willing to implement a MES in the production field in near future do have, in addition to functional topics of software implementation, further fundamental conceptual questions: Is granted that the existing production strategies and production systems of the company are supported by the MES? In which way and strength do MES functions support the existing production systems and the existing production strategies of the company? This guideline gives answers to the above mentioned questions to decision makers. It gives hints for using MES in different production systems. An overview over common production systems together with their parameter values is given, too. Derived from this, it is described how MES can support the successful conversion of the systems and which MES functions are necessary to it.

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