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VDI 4552 - Entwurf

Reduction of the effects of shocks of individual and periodically recurring shocks on vibratory systems

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Englischer Titel

Reduzierung der Stoßauswirkungen bei einzelnen und periodisch wiederkehrenden Stößen auf schwingungsfähige Systeme

Enddatum der Einspruchsfrist
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
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In contrast to a harmonic vibration excitation, a frequency consideration for the assessment of the impact response is not enough. A consideration of vibration excitation and response in the time domain is also required because the maximum values of the vibrations can not be determined from the frequency spectrum. In the case of bursts of decaying single impacts, the method of classical vibration isolation (pure harmonic excitement, pure single momentum excitement) is often not sufficient and their careless application in some cases even leads to the opposite effect, namely a vibration amplification. Such cases require careful consideration of the potential side effect of classical vibration isolation and are described in this standard. It gives an overview and also discusses the measurement and generation of shocks as well as the effects (responses of oscillatory systems to collisions). Furthermore, exemplary embodiments of measures to reduce shock effects and applications are described.

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