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VDI 4521 Blatt 2

Inventive problem solving with TRIZ - Description of objective, problem definition, and prioritisation of solutions

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Englischer Titel

Erfinderisches Problemlösen mit TRIZ - Zielbeschreibung, Problemdefinition und Lösungspriorisierung

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The theory of inventive problem solving, TRIZ, is a methodology of assumptions, rules, methods and tools for innovative system improvement e.g. of products, processes, services or organisations. This standard explains TRIZ tools and methods that are used in particular in the phases "description of objectives", "problem definition" and "prioritisation of solutions" within the problem-solving process. The detail of the description allows for an assessment of the tools and methods regarding the use purposes, results, and functioning. The description of every method and tool contains concrete statements about the objectives and results of their usage.

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