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VDI 4496

Relocation of logistic systems - Relocation management for storage

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Englischer Titel

Umzug logistischer Systeme - Umzugsmanagement für Lager

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

When a warehouse is moved or relocated, first is the selection of location and building, then planning and implementation of the technical facilities of the new storage and finally is the moving of the articles to be done. The delivery service in the new warehouse is the preferred procedure. The standard is aimed at warehouse operators, service providers, consultants and logistics departments (i.e. in corporations). It describes the species of relocation: internal relocation (i.e. integration of new areas in an existing warehouse); moving on relocation (i.e. from an old warehouse to a new location); moving individual areas or departments in a new or different warehouse (i.e. outsourcing).

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