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VDI 4475 Blatt 2

Sectoral implementation of source tagging - Application instructions for building centres

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Englischer Titel

Branchenspezifische Umsetzung der Quellensicherung - Anwendungshinweise für Baumarktprodukte

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

On the basis of the instructions and technology categorisations given in guideline VDI 4475 Part 1, this guideline describes the use of source tagging in DIY retail products (building centre products). Instructions for use with other product groups can be found in the other parts of this guideline series VDI 4475. Different products have different levels of suitability for source tagging, depending on their nature, packaging and material. For qualification, the diverse products for sale in DIY stores and markets have been grouped according to their structural nature in this guideline. The different suitability of each group for source tagging is listed according to the three technologies EM, AM, and RF (see VDI 4471), and the categories A to D (see VDI 4475 Part 1), along with a recommendation and supplementary remarks.

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