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VDI 4470 Blatt 1

Anti-theft systems for goods - Detection gates inspection guidelines for customers

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Englischer Titel

Warensicherungssysteme - Kundenabnahmerichtlinie für Schleusensysteme

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Electronic article surveillance systems for goods (EAS systems) are systems for the recognition of security tags placed on or in articles and which can be identified without contact by detection devices, with the aim of preventing the theft. The security elements can be manipulated as desired by being removed or by alteration of their specific characteristics. The fundamental prereqmslte for efficient goods security is the performance of detection gates and deactivation units in everyday use.This guideline explains a practical procedure for inspection and checking of installed systems. Assuming the fundamental requirements of goods security systems, the options for checking the quota of false alarms and the detection rate are explained.

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