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VDI 4407

Decision criteria for the choice of returnable transport items in the shape of transport packaging

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Englischer Titel

Entscheidungskriterien für die Auswahl mehrwegfähiger Ladungsträger in Form von Transportverpackungen

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Returnable packaging systems are an effective approach to avoid packaging waste and, given certain preconditions, can help to reduce packaging cost. Returnable packaging systems consist of the returnable packaging, which is the performance object, and of the logistic chain, which is the performance system. Prerequisites for operativeness and cost-effectiveness of a returnable packaging system are the choice of a suitable returnable packaging and the implementation of a logistic chain which is adjusted to the given restrictions. The latter is the subject of the guideline VDI 4460 and will thus not be dealt with in this guideline. As a first step, this guideline will define the concepts of returnable packages (RP) and returnable transport packages (RTP). There is generally a large choice of returnable packages that can be used to substitute disposable packages. In order to define what is the optimal packaging under the given circumstances it is necessary to elaborate a requirements profile. This requirements profile is then compared with the features of the eligible packages, resulting in a ranking list. In a second step, as an instruction for creating an appropriate requirements profile, this guideline will present a general requirements profile as a basis for generating adapted profiles under the consideration of company-specific preconditions. Economic considerations of the use of a returnable packaging system are not part of this guideline, but are given in VDI 3617.

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