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VDI 4403 Blatt 3

Modernization and extension of conveyor-technical arrangements and logistic systems at running operation - Integration and change of use by example of two distribution centres

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Englischer Titel

Modernisierung und Erweiterung fördertechnischer Anlagen und logistischer Systeme bei laufendem Betrieb - Integration und Nutzungsänderung am Beispiel von zwei Distributionszentren

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The company taken as our example distributes its footwear and textiles via two separate distribution centres. Insufficient flexibility in responding to fluctuating footwear or textile sales and performance limits being reached were the reasons for making a utilization analysis of the centres. The result was for both distribution centres to be integrated at a single location and for the remaining location to be used for special orders.

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