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VDI 4403 Blatt 2

Modernization and extension of conveyor-technical arrangements and logistical systems at running operation - Reconstruction and upgrading by example of a large central warehouse

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Englischer Titel

Modernisierung und Erweiterung fördertechnischer Anlagen und logistischer Systeme bei laufendem Betrieb - Umbau und Erweiterung am Beispiel eines großen Zentrallagers

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The guideline describes the problems and procedures involved in upgrading and expanding existing materials-handling installations and logistical systems without causing any interruption to operations. Planning takes on a special importance here. One of its most important parts is an analysis of the actual state of affairs and the identification of logistical bottlenecks (weak-point analysis). This means that the existing system has to be analyzed very carefully and precisely with regard to the state of individual functions and interfaces so as to allow the replanning to be built onto this and the measures necessary for problem-free implementation defined.

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