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VDI 4330 Blatt 11

Monitoring the effects of genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Immunochemical detection of insecticidal Bt proteins from genetically modified crops in soil samples and plant residues

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Englischer Titel

Monitoring der Wirkungen gentechnisch veränderter Organismen (GVO) - Immunchemischer Nachweis von insektiziden Bt-Proteinen gentechnisch veränderter Kulturpflanzen aus Bodenproben und Pflanzenmaterial aus Ernterückständen

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Technologies of Life Sciences
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The EU Directive on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (2001/18/EC) and the Council Decision of 2002-10-03 establishing guidance notes supplementing Annex VII of this directive prescribe compulsory monitoring of the cultivation and spread of GMOs. However, comparability of the data collected can be achieved only if validated and standardised test procedures are used. This standard describes the basic procedure and the requirements of methods based on immunochemical detection for the extraction, and qualitative and quantitative determination of Bt proteins from genetically modified plant residues found on the field after harvesting, and soil samples which have come into contact with these plants.

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