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VDI 4068 Blatt 3

Competent Persons - Ladders, steps, mobile platforms, and stagings

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Englischer Titel

Befähigte Personen - Leitern, Tritte, fahrbare Arbeitsbühnen und Kleingerüste

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The guideline advises external training providers, educating "Competent Persons for ladders, steps, mobile working platforms and small scaffolds", of important examination topics in the context of the German occupational safety regulation. Such working appliances are e. g. mobile working platforms, small scaffolds, ladders and steps. This guideline does not cover any tests of roof ladders, rope ladders, vertical ladders, ladders used for playground articles, engine-driven ladders (e. g. turntable fire-escapes). The guideline is affiliated to VDI 4068 Part 1 containing general statements about Competent Persons. For Competent Persons there does not exist any specifically defined job description. The German occupational safety regulation in general calls for "people with specialized knowledge for the examination of work equipment". Therefore, training providers educating Competent Persons are often confronted with problems when compiling training and examination topics. The guideline series VDI 4068 provides the training centres with assistance by defining specialist knowledge and examination topics for Competent Persons.

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