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VDI 4006 Blatt 2

Human reliability - Methods for quantitative assessment of human reliability

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Englischer Titel

Menschliche Zuverlässigkeit - Methoden zur quantitativen Bewertung menschlicher Zuverlässigkeit

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

In all phases of its existence (i.e., in the concept and definition phase, the design and development phase, the production and deployment phase, the use and maintenance phase and the decommissioning phase) human actions contribute to the reliability of the system performance. The required human interventions can lead to errors that are to be assessed and mitigated. The standard provides methods for the quantitative evaluation of human actions. These methods allow assessing the safety and availability of a technical system taking into account human interventions, the extent of human errors in relation to technical errors, as well as determining the most effective ways to increase the safety and reliability taking into account human actions. The standard describes how to proceed in the assessment starting from the definition of the system under assessment. Particular emphasis is placed on the presentation of performing a task analysis and the different methods that can be used for evaluation. Here, two approaches are distinguished: task-related assessment, which depicts the reliability of designed tasks, and situational-related assessment, which depicts the influences of human intentions and goal settings.

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