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VDI 4006 Blatt 1

Human reliability - Ergonomic requirements and methods of assessment

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Englischer Titel

Menschliche Zuverlässigkeit - Ergonomische Forderungen und Methoden der Bewertung

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Human reliability refers to the ability of humans to perform a task under given conditions for a given time interval in the range of an accepted limit. The human being can be understood as a system element of the working environment, described as a man-machine system (MMS) and this independently of the complexity of the machine. The MMS determines the reliability and safety of a system. By considering the interaction of man and machine, including the knowledge of the specific properties and capabilities of the human being, a reliable and safe functioning of the overall system can be achieved and maintained. The standard describes the fundamental knowledge about the interrelationships of man and machine in order to increase the reliability and safety of the man-machine system. This relates primarily to a human-centered design of technical equipment. It also addresses various training and educational aspects. In addition, methods are addressed to discover processing needs and weaknesses as well as the validation of the measures taken.

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