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VDI 3836

Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration of screw-type compressors and Root blowers - Addition to DIN ISO 10816-3

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Englischer Titel

Messung und Beurteilung mechanischer Schwingungen von Schraubenverdichtern und Rootsgebläsen - Ergänzung von DIN ISO 10816-3

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Criteria were acquired for the first time to the judgment of mechanical oscillation of screw compressors and Roots blowers. They apply when measurements are carried out at the place of installation when the machine is in its operating state. Information on measuring and evaluating the vibrations of twin-shaft rotary piston compressors (screw compressors and Roots blowers) is provided for measurements which are taken at the bearings and housings of machines of this type in their operating states. For four groups of compressors a table provides limit values for housing vibration as RMS value of the vibration velocity in two frequency bands. In addition a diagram gives limit values for the shaft vibrations of sleeve-bearing rotors.

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