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VDI 3561 Blatt 2

Determination of cycles time of rack-aisle independent storage and retrieval units for high-bay warehouses

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Englischer Titel

Spielzeitermittlung von regalgangunabhängigen Regalbediengeräten

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

Standard VDI 3658 describes the process of serving several rack aisles in high-bay warehouses (HRL) with storage and retrieval machines using transfer bridges or cornering technology. The standard VDI 3561 Part 2 covers the definition and determination of cycle times for such systems. Two main factors determine the layout of an HRL, the required storage position capacity for unit loads (LE) and the required transhipment, i.e. the number of storage and retrieval events of LEs per unit of time; this determines the necessary number of storage and retrieval machines (RBG) in high-bay warehouses. Normally, high-bay warehouses are designed such that one storage and retrieval machine is allocated to each rack aisle. Certain construction restraints, e.g. construction height limitations, existing plant structures, large storage volumes or low stock turnover, can result in a solution where a smaller number of storage and retrieval machines than racks aisles is required, where the storage and retrieval machines shall be able to switch rack aisles. The cycle time of the storage and retrieval machines is extended by an additional time slice resulting from the rack aisle change. The number of changes in one time unit is determined by the organisation and the defined strategies - therefore, this number cannot be set by other means. A rack aisle change results in a performance loss for storage and retrieval machines.

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