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VDI 3465

Emission control - Production of compressed wood fuels

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Emissionsminderung - Anlagen zur Herstellung von Holzpresslingen

Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

According to DIN EN ISO 17225-2 and -3 small beads of pressed wood (e.g. wood pellets, wood briquettes) are used both in the industrial sector for electricity production as well as in the private and commercial/municipal sector as combustible material for heat production. In Germany mainly wood shavings or wood chips from softwoods arising as sawmill residue are being used. During production of wood pellets different types of emissions occur (e.g. dust, gaseous and vaporous substances) that have to be reduced in accordance with the current state-of-the-art in order to avoid harmful environmental impacts. The standard describes the state-of-the-art for the production of wood pellets as well as the corresponding primary and secondary emission reduction measures. The occurring emissions are listed separately according to the single production steps. They are evaluated and the possibilities of avoidance resp. reduction are described in detail. Besides the emission to air other aspects such as noise protection, waste water, litter and energy efficiency are considered. The production of mixed wood pellets and/or pellets made of straw, grass etc. is not treated in this standard. Plants for production of wood pellets with an annual production capacity of 10000 tons or more require a permit only since 2013. As first technical rule this standard substantiates the corresponding specifications for air quality and, therefore, establishes the basis for the requirements determined by the new German Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft).

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