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VDI 2801 Blatt 1

Value analyst/value manager - Professional profile

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Wertanalytiker/Value-Manager/Wertanalytikerin/Value-Managerin - Berufsbild

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The guideline describes the professional profile of value managers/value analysts, which is currently not clearly defined in the companies and for which no clearly formulated requirements exist. The guideline promulgates the requirements for the value managers/value analysts and defines the expected competences and tasks. In addition it describes the tasks, rights and responsibilities of all those involved in value analysis projects.The guideline provides help and orientation for:- engineers, who would like to qualify as value managers/value analysts. They can compare their own abilities with the generally recognised professional profile to identify potential needs for further or advanced training.- personnel developers who generate and would like to implement the advanced training concepts and training procedures for their technical and managerial personnel who will be deployed in future as value managers/value analysts.- managers who would like to develop and train their own staff for value management/value analysis tasks or, have them trained- providers of advanced training courses in value management/value analysis who wish to prove the syllabus content and the degree of knowledge and abilities to be reached against clearly defined, generally accepted criteria.

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