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VDI 2700 Blatt 19

Securing of loads on road vehicles - Rolled steel strip, sheets, and section steel

Auf einen Blick

Englischer Titel

Ladungssicherung auf Straßenfahrzeugen - Gewickeltes Band aus Stahl, Bleche und Formstahl

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The guideline covers trucks with and without a trailer (this also includes tractor-trailer rigs and special vehicles), which are used for transporting rolled steel sheet, plate, strapped steel sheets and structural steel sections. It is intended for the use of consignors, shippers, drivers, vehicle owners, and such persons as the law, ordinances, contracts or other codes of practise make responsible for securing the load and for safe transportation. This guideline does not apply to transportation by rail, sea or air, which will be covered by other guidelines or standards. A comprehensive treatment of every case has to be ruled out on account of not only the wide variety of steel products coming under this guideline and the possible combinations of individual products in a load but also the large number of different load-securing methods and special vehicles. Load-securing methods of demonstrably at least equal efficacy can also be employed.

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