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VDI 2081 Blatt 2

Air-conditioning - Noise generation and noise reduction - Examples

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Englischer Titel

Raumlufttechnik - Geräuscherzeugung und Lärmminderung - Beispiele

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The acoustic effects in ventilating and air-conditioning installations include noise generation by components, flow noise, sound transmission by fluid-, structure- and airborne sound. Noise reduction measures become necessary, e. g., for noise control at the workplace, and for the control of noise exposure in the neighbourhood. In addition to noise-attenuation by the installation, proper silencers and sound-insulating envelopes are often used as secondary measures. This standard supports the application of VDI 2081 Part 1 by offering examples. It gives consideration to current space-conditioning systems as described in VDI 3804. All calculation steps required in an air-supply duct system are given in tabulated form, including explanatory information on each duct section. The standard is issued together with a data medium carrying a spreadsheet-based calculation macro and case studies. The standard is only applicable in conjunction with VDI 2081 Part 1.

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