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VDI 2060

Characteristics and recognition of non-linear vibratory systems - Free, forced and self-excited vibrations

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Englischer Titel

Merkmale und Erkennbarkeit von nichtlinearen schwingungsfähigen Systemen - Freie, erzwungene und selbsterregte Schwingungen

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

The standard serves to recognise evaluation of results of measurement around the presence of non-linear characteristics of an oscillatory system. Excitation as a possible cause of inexplicable phenomena should be ruled out, and in some cases, be a known means for identifying the cause of the non-linearity, for example, the presence of cracks or play. Other causes of studied oscillatory systems of non-linear properties, for example, can be due to manufacturing defects, discontinuities in materials, wear and breakage, influences caused by overload, non-linear characteristics of bearing elements.

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