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VDI 2048 Blatt 3

Uncertainties of measurement during acceptance tests on energy-conversion and power plants - Examples, especially preparation of acceptance tests of a gas and steam power plant

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Englischer Titel

Messunsicherheiten bei Abnahmemessungen an energie- und kraftwerkstechnischen Anlagen - Beispiele, insbesondere Vorbereitung der Abnahme einer Kombi-Anlage

Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt
Zugehörige Handbücher
Erhältlich in
Deutsch, Englisch

This guideline completes VDI 2048 Part 1 which introduces a new method to the quality control of acceptance tests on energy-conversion and power plants. It enables to assess how the guaranteed characteristics of a plant are fulfilled and shows with a practice-oriented example how an acceptance test has to be prepared by this method. The layout data and the requirements of the customer are considered as basics for a planned combined cycle. Thus, the system manufacturer can first of all stipulate the number, the precision and the position of the measuring points. This guideline describes how co-variances have to be evaluated and and supports the measuring in planning and evaluation process. A data carrier is enclosed which enables the user to plan an acceptance test and pre-calculate it with changed data and uncertainties.

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