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VDI/bS 2552 Blatt 11.3

Building information modeling - Exchange requirements - Formwork and scaffolding systems (in-situ concrete)

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German title

Building Information Modeling - Informationsaustauschanforderungen - Schalungs- und Gerüsttechnik (Ortbetonbauweise)

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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German, English

In practice, the exchange of information with BIM data has shown that difficulties often arise when the exchange requirements are not sufficiently described. Today’s specifications are too general and too little focused on the specific exchange purpose. Examples are: specific requirements for subsequent evaluations, specific input for subsequent trades, specific input for simulations. The application of the standard helps to adapt or develop practicable methods for the definition of exchange requirements on the basis of existing BIM data exchange standards, which can also be implemented in software and provide a basis for technical certificates. This can also be the starting point for a growing collection of concrete solutions for typical buildings and project types in the future.

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