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VDI 6200

Structural safety of buildings - Regular inspections

At a glance

German title

Standsicherheit von Bauwerken - Regelmäßige Überprüfung

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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Number of pages
Available in
German, English

The guideline describes how to carry out regular inspections of the structural safety of buildings in a structured, efficient and economic manner, in order to avoid damage to the building or personal injury. It contains assessment and evaluation criteria, tried and tested checklists, practical instructions and recommendations for the assessment of the structural safety of existing and planned buildings and structures and for their maintenance. The guideline classifies buildings into damage consequences classes and robustness classes.It formulates specifications for the documentation of existing buildings and defines requirements for the inspectors. Depending on the damage consequences class, static-constructive features, construction material properties and the influences, it lists inspection methods and processes and recommends inspection intervals. The guideline is intended for buildings and structures of all types with the exception of bridges and tunnels. The guideline VDI 6200 is aimed at property owners, authorized parties and the experts involved, such as planning and consulting engineers, architects, test engineers for structural safety, facility managers, property administrators, construction departments of industrial and private enterprises, and the public sector.

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