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VDI 6031

Acceptance test of cooling surfaces for rooms

At a glance

German title

Abnahmeprüfung von Raumkühlflächen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Bauen und Gebäudetechnik
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Available in
German, English

The purpose of the acceptance test for room cooling surfaces is to show that there is an even flow through the individual surfaces or surface areas and that the system as a whole is functional. DIN EN 12599 specifies tests, test methods and measuring instruments for verifying the fitness for purpose of installed HVAC systems at the time of hand-over, and therefore does not cover in detail all the peculiarities involved in the testing of room cooling surfaces. This standard provides additional information specific to cooling surfaces for rooms, relating to requirements for tests, test methods, and measuring instruments. This applies to the acceptance test of cooling surfaces for rooms. The measurement of the cooling capacity is not a matter for this standard. Cooling surfaces can also be used for heating. The acceptance test of room heating surfaces whose average water overtemperature is above 20 K and underfloor heating systems which are not used for cooling are not subject to this standard. In this revision, the measurement of the surface temperature of the room cooling surfaces is taken into account by infrared thermographic measurements of the heat-transferring surfaces.

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