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VDI 4551

Structure monitoring and assessment of wind turbines and offshore stations

At a glance

German title

Strukturüberwachung und -beurteilung von Windenergieanlagen und Offshorestationen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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Available in
German, English

The standard contains assessment and evaluation criteria as well as instructions for monitoring the support structures of onshore and offshore wind turbines and offshore platforms. It describes the conditions under which structure monitoring (SHM) should be used and the benefits of structure monitoring. The objective of monitoring onshore and offshore wind turbines and platforms is the permanent assessment of the load-bearing capacity, suitability for use and the remaining service life of the supporting structure by recording and evaluating measured data. This is done by identifying and assessing all relevant components. On this basis, all essential data for condition-based maintenance and, if necessary, a risk-based status assessment of the overall system are generated.

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