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VDI 4500 Blatt 6

Technical documentation - Documentation process - Publishing

At a glance

German title

Technische Dokumentation - Dokumentationsprozess - Publizieren

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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Number of pages
Available in
German, English

The standard is addressed to engineers and persons who are responsible for the technical implementation of the publication process and considers the entire publication process of the technical documentation. For this purpose, the different process phases are presented with proven (software) tools and the various file formats are presented and evaluated. In this way the user receives a decision support for the introduction of relevant software systems. Practical examples show applications for different requirements and cost categories. These can also serve as a basis for the planning of an editorial system, which under certain conditions can significantly increase the efficiency of an editorial environment. The standard provides concrete support for the following issues: phases of the publication process, important source and target formats for technical documentation, examples of software for creating and maintaining content, administration and archiving of technical documentation, generation and publication of technical documentation, development of software systems for publication of technical documentation, interfaces and collaboration with external service providers.

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