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VDI 4479

Transfer car

At a glance

German title

Verfahrwagen (Verschiebewagen, Verteilwagen)

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
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Number of pages
Available in
German, English

This guideline describes the basic structure, mode of operation and typical features of transfer cars. An overview of its various embodiments should give an idea of the wide range of possible uses for this system component and assist in selecting the right type for the task without specifying size, travel parameters, load-bearing capacity or dimensioning. Information about design features for particular conditions of use and about basic principles in calculating cycle times for the usual travel cycles should prove useful in planning and development work. With the aid of an example of calculating a complex travel cycle, the guideline shows how throughput data can be determined and optimization of layout and travel strategy achieved.

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