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VDI 4439

Conveying, handling, and storage of bulk material - Avoidance, reduction of dust emissions

At a glance

German title

Förderung, Umschlag und Lagerung von Schüttgütern - Vermeidung, Verringerung von Staubemissionen

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
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Available in
German, English

The standard provides plant manufacturers and operators with a practical guideline for the avoidance of dust emissions and the elimination of dust that has arisen, based on essential definitions as well as examples and information, and it provides an approach for getting started with the subject dust. Many examples show that the elimination of dust sources is often the most cost-effective way to avoid dust and is preferable to dust containment. The basics of dust emissions are also discussed in the standard VDI 3790 Part 1. The avoidance of dust emissions is not only a health and environmental issue, it is also partly relevant to safety, e. g. in the case of coal dust or flour, with regard to the risk of explosion and fire. The standard deals in particular with the handling of bulk materials, e. g. lignite, hard coal, coke, ores, cement, sand, stones, earth and building materials. With regard to residual materials and their handling, this standard is only applicable to a very limited extent insofar as extended basic principles and legal provisions apply here, in particular because of the hazardous substances contained in the residual materials.

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