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VDI 4433

Investment budgeting and investment studies

At a glance

German title

Investitionsplanung und Investitionsstudien

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produktion und Logistik
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Available in
German, English

At the present time small and medium-sized enterprises are not paying sufficient attention to holistic investment studies. The aim of this guideline is to provide a framework for such studies. In a similar manner to a business plan, it will serve - particularly for small and medium-sized companies - as a guideline which indicates what information and key data are required for a cogent investment and cost estimate for a planned project and how this is to be processed. With the result of a project-specific, holistic investment study of this kind on hand, financially negative "surprises" during and after implementation of the project may be avoided, provided, that is, the content is of a high quality and reflects the real situation. The guideline concept aims at efficiency and transparency with the background objective of working out not only the strategic potential for success but also risks and thereby making project evaluation and decision-making easier. Such examinations of the budgeting, and of preinvestment and investment analyses will not however be of great use if a project has not been adequately defined, planned and evaluated. The reverse approach calls for much greater outlay in both time and costs.The orientation of investment study by international standards serves to increase the likelihood of a project actually being implemented and can encourage investors to provide the funds to finance studies of this kind.

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