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VDI 4009

Reliability tests

At a glance

German title


Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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Number of pages
Available in
German, English

The standard describes the procedure to identify reliability weaknesses, to determine the current reliability characteristics and to prove that the reliability and qualification objectives have been met with the help of reliability tests. This standard includes, for example, the following groups of tests: vulnerability identification; lifetime tests; qualification tests; detection tests. The standard contains a classification of reliability tests in the development process, a demarcation to other tests and procedures as well as hints for necessary requirements. Furthermore, an overview of different reliability test groups and standards is presented. The standard does not contain a description of the individual test procedures, but criteria/assistance for the selection of suitable test procedures. The practical standard offers hints for the planning and execution of tests, as well as an example each for small and large sample sizes. The target group of the standard are all industrial companies in the developing and manufacturing industries of technical products. The standard applies regardless of the size of the company, the number of production units and the experience of the employees involved. Recommendations for action are provided for both, newcomers to the profession and experienced employees.

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