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VDI 4002 Blatt 1

Reliability engineer - Job description

At a glance

German title

Zuverlässigkeitsingenieur/Zuverlässigkeitsingenieurin - Berufsbild

Publication date
Engl. VDI-Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
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Available in
German, English

The document is the first guideline providing the job description of a reliability engineer. The guideline defines the activities of a reliability engineer, the duties during the course of a project and during the life cycle of a product, respectively. Moreover, the guideline defines the requirements and criterions mad of a reliability engineer.Greater complexity, a higher degree of functionality, stricter product liability, more demanding customer requirements, reduced development costs, shorter development times, and a minimisation of defect costs require the application of well-selected analytical reliability methods - end engineers competent and qualified to apply these methods. This guideline has been written in response to the lack of a job description for the reliability engineer. It should also counteract the criticism of some companies regarding the very different states of knowledge in the fields of safety and reliability engineering.

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