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VDI 3953 Blatt 1

Stationary source emissions - Detection of the continuous effective operation of waste gas purification systems - Dust separators at combustion plants for solid fuels with a rated thermal input between 1 MW and less than 5 MW

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German title

Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Nachweis des kontinuierlichen effektiven Betriebs von Abgasreinigungseinrichtungen - Staubabscheider bei Feuerungsanlagen für feste Brennstoffe mit einer Feuerungswärmeleistung zwischen 1 MW und weniger als 5 MW

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Technical Division Environmental Measurement Technologies
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Available in
German, English

This standard specifies methods for the detection of the continuous effective operation of dust separators in combustion plants for solid fuels with a rated thermal input between 1 MW and less than 5 MW. It is applicable to dust separators with surface or electrostatic separators. It describes monitoring concepts that can be used for the detection of the continuous effective operation of dust separators. The monitoring concepts are based on the direct detection with dust measuring devices, or indirect detection by checking surrogate parameters for electrostatic dust separators. This standard further specifies requirements for the verification of the monitoring concept by bodies according to Article 29b BImSchG. This includes a verfication of the proper implementation of the monitoring concept and a regular functional test to ensure the proper functioning of the chosen monitoring concept. This standard also specifies requirements for data acquisition and handling systems (DAHS) for recording the status signals of the operation of the combustion plant and the dust separator and for calculating, storing and outputting the data required for the detection of the continuous effective operation of dust separators. In addition, this standard specifies requirements for regular quality assurance measures by the operator and for documentation. This standard is primarily intended for operators and manufacturers of the above-mentioned combustion plants, for manufacturers of corresponding dust separators, for bodies according to § 29b BImSchG and for authorities responsible for monitoring these plants.

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