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VDI 3869 Blatt 3

Measurement of ammonia in ambient air - Sampling with diffusion separators (denuders) - Photometric or ion chromatographic analysis

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German title

Messen von Ammoniak in der Außenluft - Probenahme mit beschichteten Diffusionsabscheidern (Denudern) - Fotometrische oder ionenchromatografische Analyse

Publication date
Engl. VDI/DIN-Kommission Reinhaltung der Luft (KRdL) - Normenausschuss
Technical Division Environmental Measurement Technologies
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Available in
German, English

This guideline presents a method for the determination on the mass concentration of gaseous ammonia in ambient air. Due to the low ambient concentrations of ammonia, active accumulating sampling is used. Here a selective separation of gaseous ammonia using the principle of diffusion is described. The measurement method for ammonia in ambient air described here can be used in the range of mass concentrations up to 25 µg/m3 (as monthly average). According to the measurement task and type of sampler, hourly to monthly average values can be determined with decreased sampling duration for higher concentrations too.

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